Roof Mount Solar Installations



204 kW (DC) Metal Rooftop Mounted Solar Array for Aerospace Manufacturing Facility near Robinson, IL

This unique project features 3 subarrays each tilted at 20 degree and oriented at different azimuth angles.  The first 60 kW subarray faces southeast (135 degrees azimuth), the second 120 array faces south (180 degree azimuth), and third 60 kW array faces southwest (225 degree azimuth).  The purpose of the different azimuth angles was to produce solar energy earlier in the morning and later into the evening providing an output profile that better matched with power demand profile of the facility.  Since facility demand charges make up about 40% of the overall electric bill this was an important consideration in this project overall design.

Truck Centers Inc, Rooftop Mounted Solar Array

103.4 kW (DC) Metal Rooftop Mounted Solar Array for new Truck Centers Inc., Facility, Effingham, IL

This 103.4 kW roof-mounted solar array provides a significant portion of this new Truck Centers Inc. electricity needs while helping this company maintain low utility costs.  Located at the intersection of interstates I-57 and I-70, this array features three-hundred four (304) SolarWorld 340 Watt solar panels and five (5) SolarEdge SE20KUS inverters.


7.92 kW (DC) Solar Array for Architect’s Office in Effingham, IL

This solar array was mounted on a negative-sloping roof, or a roof that slopes to the north.  However, the panels are oriented facing south with a 20-degree tilt angle.  Factoring the roof slope, they are approximately 15 degrees net slope to the horizon.  Twenty (24) Suniva 330W solar panels and SolarEdge power optimizers connect to a single SolarEdge SE6000-US inverter.  This installation helps highlight the Architect’s commitment to sustainable architecture and highlight their energy-efficient LEED design services.


24.75 kW (DC) Roof-Mounted Solar Array for Triple B Home Center in Shelbyville, IL

A business park of solar!  This 24.75 kW (DC) solar array will help power Shelbyville’s newest home improvement store.  Located adjacent to Macari Service Center (see below) where Tick Tock Energy installed 43 kW of solar.  In addition to the roof-mounted solar array, Tick Tock Energy also installed energy-efficient LED exterior lighting poles and furnished the fluorescent T5 indoor lighting.  This solar array features seventy-five (75) Suniva 330 Watt solar panels, SolarEdge P400 power optimizers, and two (2) SolarEdge SE10000 inverters.


43 kW (DC) Solar Array for Appliance Center in Shelbyville, IL

This solar system features a 24 kW roof-mounted solar array and an earlier 19 kW ground & wall mount array Tick Tock Energy installed in 2012.  The roof-top addition was mounted on a south-facing corrugated metal roof to help boost electricity production to nearly 75% of the company’s annual needs.  The 24 kW roof-mounted addition featured seventy-four (74) Suniva 330W panels and power optimizers connect with two (2) SolarEdge 10000A-US inverters.  An Ironridge rack supports the 2 x 37 configured array.

Lighting Retrofit Companies