Invest in Ground-Mounted Solar Panels for Your Sparta, IL, Home

If you’re thinking of having solar panels installed at your Sparta, Illinois, home, you might have reservations about how feasible the job is if your home’s roof is aged, shaded from the sun, or relatively compact. Although these are justifiable concerns, we at Tick Tock Energy have just the solution—ground-mounted solar panels. Our ground-mounted panel installation services are straightforward, and these products deliver outstanding performance and come in a range of customization options to cater to your specific requirements.

The Leader Among Solar Panel Installation Companies

At Tick Tock Energy, our extensive track record spans over 10 years, during which we’ve developed an unmatched level of expertise. We are the sole PEARL-certified company in the state of Illinois, an exclusive honor given to contractors that are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of excellence and ensuring customer satisfaction. We take a customer-centric approach to installing ground-mounted solar panels—we’ll guide you through every phase of the process. What’s more, we provide flexible solar financing options for qualifying homeowners and we take the time to educate our customers about local solar incentives, such as the Illinois Shines Solar Energy Renewable Credit.

Reach Out Today

Having gained a better understanding of ground-mounted solar panels and the distinctive advantages Tick Tock Energy offers over other solar panel installation companies serving Sparta, IL, are you ready to invest in ground-mounted panels for your residence, farm, or commercial property? If so, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today. We’ll be happy to discuss a personalized installation plan.