US Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL) visited Tick Tock Energy, Inc. Monday to learn more about the quickly growing solar industry in Illinois and discuss energy policy issues.

Congressman Shimkus is the ranking member of the House Subcommittee on Environment and Climate Change and advocates for an “All of the Above” approach to the nation’s energy needs. This approach recognizes the vital role renewable energy will play in meeting future energy demands while also recognizing the continued need for fossil fuels.

During Shimkus’ visit, Tick Tock Energy Vice President Craig Pals provided an overview of Tick Tock’s history and the growth of the solar industry during the company’s 13 years. As Pals explained, “Tick Tock began at a time when solar was still in its infancy in the state and the US.”

Shimkus recognized Tick Tock Energy’s strong growth and being one of the first solar companies to pioneer the renewable energy sector in Illinois.

“What [Tick Tock Energy] is doing is part of that success story,” Shimkus said of Tick Tock’s place in the quickly growing solar industry in the state and US.

Shimkus’ visit comes as federal and state incentives have drastically driven down the costs of installing solar and wind power, chief among them the 30 % Federal Solar Tax Credit. Shimkus discussed those tax credits and related energy policies and regulation.

Capping off the morning visit, Shimkus ceremoniously flipped the disconnect switch of Tick Tock’s brand new 12 kW rooftop solar array. The solar install will provide a majority of the businesses’ power needs and be a powerful tool to educate customers and the public about solar power.